“Job shadowing” iz Higher Vocational State School, Poljska na Academii

V okviru dohodne mobilnosti programa Erasmus+ so tri sodelavke Higher Vocational State School iz Wloclawek na Poljskem opravile 5-dnevni ti. “Job-Shadowing” na Višji strokovni šoli Academia Maribor.

Program mobilnosti

Day 1

  1. A brief tour to provide an overview of the partner. Presentation of the sending institution.
  2. The higher education system of the host country
  3. Participation in the workshop: Innovative and creative methods in teaching adults (4 hours).
  4. Teamwork work on the practical exercise with possibilities of consultations with the mentor (case studies and discussion).
  5. Questions and answers related to the workshop. Feedback from the trainer.

Day 2

  1. Participation in the workshop: Effective interpersonal communication (5 hours).
  2. Teamwork work on the practical exercise with possibilities of consultations with the mentor (case studies and discussion).
  3. Questions and answers related to the workshop. Feedback from the trainer.

Day 3

  1. Participation in the workshop: Team building (4 hours).
  2. Teamwork work on the practical exercise with possibilities of consultations with the mentor (case studies and discussion).
  3. Questions and answers related to the workshop. Feedback from the trainer.
  4. Identify professional study fields in which both the receiving and the sending institution are interested in order to plan future workshops and interships.

Day 4

  1. Participation in the workshop: Conflict situations in the organisation (5 hours).
  2. Teamwork work on the practical exercise with possibilities of consultations with the mentor (case studies and discussion).
  3. Questions and answers related to the workshop. Feedback from the trainer.
  4. Visit different departments of hosting institution related with the professional study fields of common interest.

Day 5

  1. Participation in the workshop: Modern tools of marketing management(5 hours).
  2. Teamwork work on the practical exercise with possibilities of consultations with the mentor (case studies and discussion).
  3. Questions and answers related to the workshop. Feedback from the trainer.
  4. Closing of the training, certificates award, possibilities for future cooperation.

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