The development and impact of digital printing on T-shirts in the modern textile industry

Graphic Design

Študent: Tinkara Mlakar

Tinkara Mlakar is a graduate of the Media Production programme at Academia, College of Short-Cycle Higher Education. She successfully defended her thesis paper in February 2024.


Diploma paperr Tinkara Mlakar

The thesis examines the impact of digital printing on T-shirts in the modern textile industry and compares new printing methods with traditional techniques, such as screen printing. Digital printing, particularly the DTG technology, has gained popularity due to its flexibility, production speed, and ability to customize designs in smaller print runs.

The paper also highlights the role of artificial intelligence, which contributes to the automation and optimization of processes in the industry. By leveraging algorithms for trend analysis, design personalization, and print process control, AI enhances efficiency and sustainability, enabling designers to create tailored and complex designs more quickly.

The thesis combines various research techniques, including consumer surveys to assess preferences such as quality, durability, and adaptability of printed T-shirts, and interviews with experts revealing the advantages and disadvantages of digital printing and the role of AI in developing new technologies in the printing process.

The analysis shows that digital printing is more cost-effective for smaller batches and personalization, as it eliminates the need for additional costs for stencil preparation. However, for larger batches, screen printing remains more cost-efficient per unit. Additionally, consumers increasingly value sustainable solutions, giving an edge to digital printing, which has a smaller environmental footprint compared to screen printing, which requires more water and energy for production

The modern textile industry faces challenges such as increased competition, sustainability goals, and rapid changes in market trends. Digital printing with artifical intelligence enables companies to adapt their processes to specific market needs while enchancing productivity and reducing their negative environmental impact.

The study concludes that digital printing allows apparel companies to adapt products to modern market demands, such as uniqueness, rapid design adjustments, and the implementation of sustainable practices.

The use of AI in design and optimization of printing processes facilitates higher productivity and improved consumer satisfaction. This research offers insight into the future of printing technologies and highlights how new printing methods contribute to sustainable development in the textile industry.

You can see the student’s product in the video below:


Diploma paperr Tinkara Mlakar


Diploma paperr Tinkara Mlakar

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