Jasna Mak, Project Manager of the Regional Development Agency for Podravje (RRA), on SPOT consulting

Computer sciences

In the framework of the Business Economics and Entrepreneurship course of the Computer Science, Computing and Informatics and Computing programs, we hosted Ms Jasna Mak, consultant, clerk and project manager from the Regional Development Agency for Podravje (RRA Podravje).

The Regional Development Agency for Podravje manages SPOT Consulting Podravje, one of the twelve regionally organised business points, which operates as a non-profit organisation. This business focal point connects eight institutions from the whole of the Podravje region, providing comprehensive support to the business environment. The Agency boasts a rich network of internal and external experts working in the fields of regional and sustainable development, promotion of entrepreneurship and tourism, human resource development and internationalisation of business. By pooling this expertise, the Agency ensures the effectiveness of its initiatives and projects, which actively contribute to the development of the region. Among the current achievements, the presentation of SME Podravje’s ongoing projects was also highlighted, among which the “My Online Handbook”, a modern and practical tool for entrepreneurs, is of particular interest.

The guest lecture addressed key entrepreneurial issues such as company registration procedures, access to business information and opportunities for participation in entrepreneurial projects. The guest lecturer gave a detailed presentation of the SPOT svetovanje Podravje agency, which is dedicated to providing free and comprehensive support services. These services are available to potential entrepreneurs as well as to established companies, covering all stages of business development – from the initial steps to further growth and expansion.

The main objective of the SPOT Advisory Podravje project is to increase the level of information and knowledge among entrepreneurs, enabling them to better face the challenges that arise at different stages of the entrepreneurial cycle. In addition, the project encourages early entrepreneurial activity and contributes to the creation of new businesses and the improvement of the growth and development of existing ones. Such comprehensive support is key to strengthening the entrepreneurial environment in the region, which has a direct impact on the economic growth and sustainable development of the Podravje region.


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