First EMSTEP partner meeting in Bulgaria

The first partner meeting of the Erasmus+-funded EMstep project took place in Svishtov, Bulgaria, from 2 to 6 September 2024.

The project aimed to empower teachers to socially integrate vulnerable groups of learners through professional development using a variety of methods. The kick-off meeting took place at the D. A. Tsenov University in Svishtov, where all project partners met. The coordinators were from Ege University – Turkey, Me We Istituto di ricerca innovativa srl – Italy, D. A. Tsenov Academy of Economics – Bulgaria, Universidade do Porto – Portugal and VSŠ Academia.



Key highlights of the meeting
The meeting divided the project into individual work stages. The coordinators presented the project process and the partners completed the proposed activities to be carried out within each stage. The project timeline was also reviewed, which is foreseen to run from 1 August 2024 to 31 July 2026. Together, the planned activities were reviewed and the final deadlines for their implementation were set.

Particular emphasis was placed on the division of tasks between the partners. It was agreed to develop an online learning environment for teacher training and to prepare various observation tools for classroom work. In addition, we planned a survey in several primary schools to test the usefulness of these tools in practice.

A review of the financial resources revealed a detailed breakdown of the budget between tasks and partners. An important part of the discussion was devoted to the promotion of the project and to presenting the different ways in which the project could be made accessible to a wider public. A lot of time was also devoted to discussing possible ambiguities, obstacles and concerns raised by the partners.



Tours and impressions
Our hosts showed the group around the university, the oldest secondary school in Bulgaria and the municipal building. The most impressive visit was to the Youth Centre in Svishtov. There, they provide opportunities for children from vulnerable groups to take part in various activities, help them with their studies and organise their leisure time.

The meeting closed an important chapter in the initial phase of the project and strengthened the cooperation between partners, which will be crucial for the future success of EMstep.



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