Civil Engineering students on a tour of the Rotovž Centre construction site

Construction & Civil Engineering

Students from the Construction & Civil Engineering higher education programme visited the construction site of the Rotovž Centre – an emerging Innovation Centre focused on the promotion of books, education, culture and digitisation – as part of the Construction 2 course.

Currently, the largest project in Maribor, the construction of the Rotovž Centre, includes constructing a new central unit of the Maribor Library, including an art cinema and a gallery. The site area is just over 8000 square metres, divided into 3 floors, and the building, designed by the architectural studio Medprostor, is expected to be completed in the first half of 2024. There are also plans to extend Rotovšek Square to Lekarniška Street and Gosposka Street.

The estimated construction time is 2 years, followed by the delivery and installation of equipment and the obtaining of the occupancy permit. The occupants are expected to move into the facility in July 2024 and the total project cost is EUR 25 400 798,30. Project details


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