Owner of OPSEN solar power plants d.o.o. Davorin Korpar and Bee SMART CEO Benjamin Pregl


Digital Marketing (HND) & Commerce (SCHE)

As part of the Sales course of the higher education study programme Economist – Digital Marketing & Commercialist module and the Commercialist module, we hosted Davorin Korpar, owner of OPSEN d.o.o., a young company focused and specialised in the energy sector, and Benjamin Pregel, director of Bee SMART d.o.o., a company active in the development of new innovative products in the field of beekeeping.

Mr. Korpar started his guest lecture with a presentation of innovative sales models for marketing solar power plants, with a special emphasis on the use of digital marketing. Students were able to learn about modern approaches to marketing and sales based on digital tools such as social networks, online advertising, and marketing automation. In addition, Mr Korpar shared concrete examples of successful campaigns and the challenges faced in marketing solar power plants at OPSEN d.o.o.

The second guest of the lecture, Mr Benjamin Pregl, highlighted his experience in developing and launching new innovative products in the field of beekeeping. He shared with the students his journey from idea to commercialization, stressing the importance of innovation, market research, and creating unique value for customers. The students were able to learn how Bee SMART innovative products are developed and marketed, and how creative approaches can help them succeed in a competitive business environment.

Through concrete examples and experiences, the guests presented approaches in their own companies that students can apply in their future careers in digital marketing and sales.


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