Computer Science students visit SkyLabs

Application development

Artificial intelligence

Computer sciences

Data science

Network Computing

Software Computing

On Thursday, 14 April 2022, students of the Computer Science study programme took part in a professional excursion to the company SKYLABS in Maribor, Slovenia, for the course Databases 1. The guided tour of the company was led by the CEO of SKYLABS, Dr. Tomaž Rotovnik.

SKYLABS is a space technology company offering on-board data processing solutions and an innovative approach to space engineering. The company focuses primarily on the development of customised high-tech solutions, including fault-tolerant hardware and software development, digital signal processing, radiation-shielded IP core development, rapid prototyping and space-to-ground communications.

The company is currently working with researchers at the University of Maribor to build a new nanosatellite, TRISAT-S, with the aim of demonstrating a technologically secure radio link between the nanosatellite space segment and a ground station. TRISAT-S, which is being built by the University of Maribor and funded by SkyLabs, will launch from a launch site in Norway in the third quarter of 2022.


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