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Izpolnite spodnji obrazec za prijavo v program. V roku enega dneva vam bomo posredovali vse potrebne informacije o vpisu.
Izpolnite spodnji obrazec za brezplačni posvet. V roku enega dneva vam bomo posredovali vse potrebne informacije.
Study Programme Mechanical Engineering
Modul Toolmaking
Level of study Short-Cycle Higher Education
Duration 2 years, 120 credits as per ECTS
Prof. Title inženir/ka strojništva (en. mechanical engineer)
Education level European Qualification Level 5
Studies 60% lectures and tutorials, 40% work-based learning See syllabus
Thursday 18 January at 18:00
EngTech Standard
Graduates of BTEC HND Engineering fulfill the conditions for the professional registration as a Engineering Council Engineering Technician.
Engineering Council
Programme Accreditation
The Mechanical Engineering study programme is a publicly valid programme, accredited by the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport of the Republic of Slovenia (Official Gazette of the RS: Ur. l. RS 117/2007).
RS Ministry of Education, Science and Sport
Double Diploma
Enroll into a parallel Pearson BTEC Higher National Diploma programme to obtain two additional UK Higher National Diploma qualification.
Pearson BTEC Higher National Diploma Engineering (Mechanical Engineering)
Basic soft skills and competences
Basic soft skills and competences
You will obtain the soft skills in business communication in your native and foreign language of choice. Learn about organization, management and entrepreneurship, as well as the economics of computing and information projects.
The study programme develops your abilities to work in a team, public speaking, critical thinking and problem solving for various tasks.
Basics of Mechanical Engineering
Basics of Mechanical Engineering
Learn about the basic properties of materials in mechanical engineering, about work safety protocols and environmental preservation, attain knowledge on rules and legislation, as well as gain competences through product planning.
You will also attain the principles of machining elements and the basic mechanics of electrical engineering.
You will attain the competences for the planning and construction of tools and learn about the engineering principles of construction and maintenance of tools, with the Software Catia and SolidWorks.
Industry 4.0
Industry 4.0
Learn about quality control and assurance of processes, attain machine mechanics principles, competences in technology and energetics; everything for finding successful successful employment or work in the Industry 4.0.
Above average success and employability of our graduates.
We educate and employ for the needs of the European job-market for more than 25 years.
The only Short-Cycle Higher Education College with a Slovenian and English accreditation, where you obtain two degrees.
The only private school with a Diploma of Excellence as per the model of excellence of The Association of Higher Vocational Colleges of Slovenia.
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