The modernisation of printing and its impact on economic growth of a printing company

Graphic Design

Študent: Gregor Ravnjak

Gregor Ravnjak is a graduate of the Media Production programme at Academia, College of Short-Cycle Higher Education. He successfully defended his thesis paper in July 2024.


Diploma paper Gregor Ravnjak

In this thesis, we wanted to address the umbrella issue of small printing companies, on one hand, caught in the environment of a rapid technological development and, on the other hand, facing ruthless competition from larger economic organisations whose monopolistic goals slowly drive smaller private companies out of the market.

Is it possible to create a better product and offer it at a competitive price? Is it possible to influence the market demand with an innovative product and overtake the competition? We considered investment funds as well as decision making within the production and creating new, innovative solutions.

In the theoretical part of the thesis, we presented the brief history of the development of printing services at the company X. We analysed the development, upgrading and marketing of the company’s printing services before the year 1991, when different economic and political circumstances were in place.

We explored different printing techniques that were used by the company at that time. Which of the printing techniques were the most successful, how did they affect the quality of the product and how did they respond to customers’ preferences? How did the company carry out graphic preparation when it was not technologically possible as it is today?

Which software tool was in use for the purposes of graphic preparation compared to today and which were the functions of a matrix as the essential linking element between graphic and actual print?

In the beginning, the transition to digital technology was not able to completely replace the still existing offset printing. How did the company confront modernisation when it was, in one moment, forced to provide various printing techniques and services and, at the same time, still offer the established production patterns? We examined the financing of the company and the training of employees for new technologies, especially in the time of the beginnings of the internet and limited flow of information.

In the practical part of the thesis, we closely examined and presented the products produced by different kinds of printing techniques. We focused on printing matter made by offset printing technique and modernised digital printing technique.

Why modernisation facilitates business and why, in certain segments, older printing techniques that were used to start the company in the beginning, are not to be completely abandoned?

By comparing samples of finished products (printed matter) made by different printing techniques, we identified the purposes of certain printing techniques, the particular use of specific materials, the impact on pricing, possible alternatives and possible improvements of certain printed matter.

Check our student’s product in the video below:

Diploma paper Gregor Ravnjak


Diploma paper Gregor Ravnjak

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