Recording family holidays: Professional recorder or phone?

Video Production

Študent: Maša Rubin

Maša Rubin is a graduate of the Media Production programme at Academia, College of Short-Cycle Higher Education. She successfully defended her thesis paper in February 2024.


Diploma paper Maša Rubin

Filming family holidays started with the fact that people wanted to have a memory of spending time with their family and loved ones. In the diploma thesis, we wanted to research the recording of family holidays.

In the theoretical part, we first investigated the development of recording itself in the early days, how they started recording, how they helped each other, what they used, and who was the first to record moving images. We also researched which were the first cameras that were generally accessible to people and why they were useful.

In the research part, we surveyed people. Given that phone technology has advanced so much to this day and almost everyone has a smartphone with a powerful camera, we asked the respondents if they still decided to hire a videographer to record family holidays.

At the same time, we asked them what would attract them to decide to hire a videographer. We also researched whether people nowadays prefer to record family holidays with a phone or decide to hire a videographer. Before conducting the survey itself, we also set four hypotheses, which we confirmed or refuted after analyzing the survey.

In the diploma thesis, we also implemented our video product. We set ourselves the project and implemented it entirely ourselves. Before starting the implementation of the project, we brainstormed and determined the topic of the project itself.

After that, we prepared a mood board, we chose the location, and the primary and secondary font, determined the project goals, made a scenario, and created a financial plan. After that, we made an implementation plan for the project itself.

Pre-production, production, and post-production were divided into individual days according to how much time we estimated for the implementation of each part of the project. After the successful implementation of the project, we made a plan for possible marketing and promotion.

We also carried out a final analysis of the implementation of the entire project and gave an opinion on possible corrections that should be taken into account in the future. We also investigated the overarching the,e, which we classified under the fourth hypothesis.

At the end of the thesis, we gave conclusions.

You can watch the Jeruzalem video product at the link below:


Diploma paper Maša Rubin


Diploma paper Maša Rubin

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