The Transition of a Healthcare ERP System from Local Infrastructure to the Cloud: A Case Study of the Pro.4 Program

Software Computing

Študent: Miloš Trojanović

Miloš Trojanović is a graduate of the Computer Science - Software Engineering module study program at Academia, College of Short-Cycle Higher Education. He successfully defended his thesis paper in July 2024.


Diploma paper Miloš Trojanović

In recent years, we have witnessed continuous development in technology and information systems, which significantly impacts various areas of our lives, including healthcare. One of the key innovations is the transition of healthcare ERP systems from local infrastructure to cloud environments.

This thesis explores the transition of a healthcare ERP system using the Pro.4 program as a case study. Cloud services offer numerous advantages, such as lower maintenance costs, increased availability, better scalability, and easier access to data and applications.

The thesis thoroughly examines the reasons for transitioning to cloud services, the benefits, and the challenges faced by healthcare institutions. The objectives of the thesis include investigating the advantages of transitioning to the cloud, such as the impact on maintenance costs, system availability, scalability, and data accessibility.

Additionally, the thesis addresses technical, security, legal, and organizational challenges and offers approaches to overcoming them. This research contributes to improving the quality of healthcare services and optimizing business processes in the healthcare sector.

At the forefront of this research is a concrete example of transitioning a healthcare ERP system to a cloud environment using the Pro.4 program. The steps and strategies used in this transition are analyzed, and the results and impacts on the healthcare institution’s operations are evaluated. The aim is to gain concrete insights into the practical implementation of the transition and understand how to achieve the desired results.

Based on the findings and analysis, guidelines for a successful transition of healthcare institutions to a cloud environment are formulated. Key success factors are identified, such as planning and preparation, selecting the right cloud service provider, data migration, and employee training and education. The goal is to provide practical guidelines that will help healthcare institutions successfully transition and leverage the advantages of the cloud environment.

This thesis comprehensively addresses the transition of a healthcare ERP system from local infrastructure to a cloud environment and examines how this transition can contribute to improving the quality of healthcare services and optimizing business processes in healthcare institutions.

The research also encourages thinking about the future of healthcare information systems and the role of cloud services in enhancing the healthcare sector.


Diploma paper Miloš Trojanović


Diploma paper Miloš Trojanović

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