Planning and realization of a project: Publication of women’s printed magazine

Graphic Design

Študent: Kristina Kontrec

Kristina Kontrec is a graduate of the Media Production study programme at Academia, College of Short-Cycle Higher Education. She successfully defended her thesis paper in November 2021.


Diploma paper Kristina Kontrec

Throughout history, women’s magazines have changed and improved for the better, both in terms of content, as well as visually. The beginning of the first printed magazine for women, called The Ladies’ Mercury, dates back to 1693.

Over the years, the content has evolved, covering topics more and more in-depth. Gradually, it began to cover many different topics of women’s interest. The scope of the magazines has been expanded; from one sheet of paper, the magazines now have tens and several hundred pages.

For us, graphic designers, design and appearance are very important. Thereby, we can create and have the opportunity to make the content even more appealing. Sometimes, the articles in the magazines were only black and white, so they had to convince the reader only with interesting headlines.

In order for graphic designer to be effective, good organization is also required besides his ingenuity. Tactical and sensible planning of the entire process is also required. This will greatly reduce the time, needed for production, and improve designer’s efficiency.

In my thesis, I focused on making a prototype of my own printed magazine for women, and on the preliminary planning, needed to get to the final product.

In the theoretical part, I delved into the magazine as a product itself – what it is, its characteristics, and history. While reviewing the history, I also presented the facts, related to the first women’s magazine – where and when readers came across this kind of magazine for the first time.

To be able to place my magazine in the right category, I had to research a large selection of magazines for women. I included both, Slovenian and foreign markets in the survey.

In my research work, I have researched and analyzed magazines that already exist on the market, how they are composed and designed, and what their content is. My job was to figure out what my readers want to read, how I could get their attention and keep it at the same time.

My magazine is a novelty on the market, so it was necessary to create a product that attracts customers. I have defined my target group, with the help of which I have received feedback on already existing magazines on the market and other useful information that came in handy at work.

For me, it was an important confirmation that my new magazine would appeal to them.

With the help of the obtained data and well-created preliminary plans, I created a draft of my own magazine La vie in the practical part and finally printed it.

Diploma paper Kristina Kontrec


Diploma paper Kristina Kontrec

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