Personal sales as a form of market communication in the pharmaceutical public institution Lekarna


Študent: Polonca Kolmačić

Polonca Kolmačić is a graduate of the programme Economist at Academia, College of Short-Cycle Higher Education. She successfully defended her thesis paper in March 2021.


Thesis paper Polonca Kolmačić

In addition to medicines, the pharmacy also markets other products, which belong to the group of cosmetic products, food supplements and medical devices. To properly counsel about them, it is necessary to have additional knowledge that pharmacists learn through training during the work process.

The same goes for sales. During schooling, sales methods and sales approaches are almost not mentioned, as the main task and mission of pharmacists is consulting. The way of approaching the customer and marketing communication is left to the individual approach of the individual.

Personal sales thus gain in value because in a flood of products it is very difficult to choose the one that would suit us best for weight loss. The qualities that a pharmacist must have are self-confidence, individuality, compassion, and curiosity. Sales will go well and both parties will be satisfied at the end of the sales process depends on many factors and these are just a few.

Public pharmacies in Slovenia generate almost 20 % of their total revenue from the sale of goods and services on the market. The rest is by performing public service. The Slovenian market is one of the smallest in Central and Eastern Europe, but at the same time it is the most developed.

In the diploma work, we wanted to study the impact of proper communication on sales performance and whether the organizational structure affects different approaches to sales, which we checked with interviews between employees in public and private pharmacies.

On the topic of marketing communication in the implementation of a sales person in a public institution of pharmacies, we conducted a survey on user satisfaction. We have analysed the obtained results in detail and we can say that users are very satisfied with the services and consulting and products offered, and that there is a link between customer satisfaction and the right sales approach using successful marketing communication.

Thesis paper Polonca Kolmačić


Thesis paper Polonca Kolmačić

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