Moving from an on-premises IT environment to a cloud infrastructure (cloud sustainability)

Network Computing

Študent: Nejc Perhavec

Nejc Perhavec is a graduate of the Computer Science - Network computing module study program at Academia, College of Short-Cycle Higher Education. He successfully defended his thesis paper in December 2022.


Diploma paper Nejc Perhavec

The thesis examines the digitalization and transformation of local IT environments into a cloud infrastructure, the causes of the transformation, advantages, and disadvantages. The overarching theme, which this year refers to digitization and its impact on the environment, is also included.

For a long time, it was believed that companies must have IT infrastructure in local “in-house” data centers since data and information are most secure there.

With the development of technology, the first providers of cloud environments soon appeared, and in recent years they have taken a big step forward and are taking a leading role.

In the initial chapter, the concept of cloud and cloud infrastructure is defined, what are the purposes and goals of the transition to the cloud, what are the advantages and disadvantages, and the different types of cloud models and services.

At the core of the diploma thesis, the transformation and hybrid transition to cloud infrastructure are analyzed in the example of the company where I work. Also Microsoft Azure and its solutions, the layout scheme in the company, and the main solutions that the company uses as part of the cloud provider.

Special emphasis is given to the Microsoft Teams cloud platform, whose primary task is digital business communication and which has experienced a boom in the business world during the pandemic.

As part of this solution, collaboration is also highlighted, which has taken a step forward with the introduction of cloud services.

The final part of the thesis discusses the impact of digitization on the environment, where the difference between a local and a cloud environment will be shown in the example of a Microsoft study. SharePoint/Online, Exchange/Online, and Azure Storage solutions are observed, and the energy consumption and emissions are compared.

At the end of the chapter, the interesting traits of Microsoft presentation are summarized. In conclusion of the thesis, we have gathered the findings and confirmed or rejected the set hypotheses.

Diploma paper Nejc Perhavec


Diploma paper Nejc Perhavec

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