Improving the safety when lifting loads with additional equipment for forklift trucks

Mechanical Engineering


Diploma paper Rok Rudl

In my thesis entitled “Improving safety when lifting loads with additional equipment for forklift trucks”, I looked at the challenges and solutions for safe and efficient lifting and transferring of loads, especially pipes, in the warehouse environment. Transferring pipes using conventional methods is often time-consuming, physically demanding for employees and involves certain risks.

The aim of the work was to develop an adaptable and safe device for the forklift truck that would enable pipes to be moved more quickly and safely, thereby increasing work productivity and reducing the risk of accidents. At the beginning of the work, I analyzed the applicable legal regulations and safety requirements to ensure that the equipment meets all essential health and safety requirements.

I thoroughly reviewed the technical requirements and legal regulations that apply to lifting equipment, as compliance with these regulations is crucial to ensure the safety and reliability of the new equipment. I then focused on the technical design of the load arm, comparing different materials and carrying out static calculations to determine the optimum dimensions of the beam and other components.

In this way, I was able to ensure that the load arm would reliably bear the intended loads. During the planning stage, I also took into account the cost-effectiveness of the materials used and focused on solutions that offered sufficient safety without unnecessarily increasing costs.

An important part of the work is also the risk assessment, in which I analyzed the main hazards such as the load slipping off the load arm, the load falling due to improper use and the risks arising from improper operation of the equipment. Based on the risks identified, I developed appropriate safety measures, such as additional safety devices and restrictions on the use of certain loads. In addition, I examined ergonomic aspects to make lifting loads as safe as possible for the operators and thus reduce the risk of injuries and operating errors.

Finally, I have summarized the results in my thesis, which confirm that the designed device meets the legal requirements and enables safe and efficient use in the warehouse environment.


Diploma paper Rok Rudl


Diploma paper Rok Rudl

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