Employment opportunities for migrants from Ukraine in Slovenia


Študent: Mariana Soldatenko

Mariana Soldatenko is a graduate of the Economist - Commercialist module study programme at Academia, College of Short-Cycle Higher Education. She successfully defended her thesis paper in September 2024.


Diploma paper Mariana Soldatenko

In the thesis, we studied the situation in the field of ensuring the basic human rights of refugees from Ukraine, which was faced by the member states of the European Union after 2022, when the war in Ukraine began.

We studied the obstacles and problems faced by refugees, and at the same time identified and compared the possibilities and opportunities for employment of refugees from Ukraine in Slovenia and Poland.

The fact is that employment and work are two key aspects of how effective the integration of refugees into society is. Therefore, it is extremely important to know the reasons when unemployment among refugees cannot be reduced for a long time.

Due to the precarious position that refugees have in the field of law and social protection, they are often exposed to exploitation and discrimination. If we add to this the difficulty of understanding the language and the difficulty of communicating, it is clear that they have significantly fewer opportunities for employment than other citizens.

In the first part of the assignment, we presented the theoretical basis of refugee rights, the political framework of the geopolitical situation, and compared the labor market conditions in Slovenia and Poland.

We set up four hypotheses, which, in addition to studying the literature, we tried to confirm or reject with the help of the analysis of the survey questionnaire.

Both after the literature study, as well as on the basis of the surveys, we confirmed in the diploma thesis that the biggest and longest-lasting obstacle in the employment of refugees is the language of the host country. And this does not only apply to Slovenia, but in general to refugees in all countries.

Based on the results of the survey, we gave constructive suggestions in the conclusion for improving the employment opportunities for refugees in Slovenia, especially in the light of acquiring sufficient knowledge of the Slovenian language, the possibility of additional qualifications, and changing the mentality of the citizens of the host country so that discrimination does not occur.

Refugees want work, work means ensuring the basic existence of an individual, and above all, work is connected with personal self-image, identity and dignity. It is important to give refugees the same opportunities, not only on paper, but in reality.


Diploma paper Mariana Soldatenko


Diploma paper Mariana Soldatenko

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