Comparisons of organisational structures and management of local TV stations

Media production

Video Production

Študent: Adrijana Petrovič

Adrijana Petrovič is a graduate of the Media Production programme at Academia, College of Short-Cycle Higher Education. She successfully defended her thesis paper in August2021.


Thesis paper Adrijana Petrovič

In my thesis I research and compare the organisational structures and management of local television stations in Slovenia. I focus mainly on the general managerial processes in local television.

Using the four basic functions of management – planning, organising, leading and controlling – I analyse their organisational, strategic, communication, motivational, financial, competitive, technical, technological, programming and content structures and their impact on decisions, objectives, results and quality of work.

I use the literature, and in particular an online survey questionnaire, to identify the constraints, problems and shortcomings faced by local TV stations and the ways of working used by employees within local TV stations.

I also argue how, to what extent and if at all, local TVs differ from each other.

In the thesis I explain the basic objectives of local television, the way work is planned and organised in relation to the workplace and working hours, and I discuss the skills and competences of staff and managers and their technical skills. I look at how the work is organised and the satisfaction of the staff with the organisation itself.

I also look at the subject of local television programmes, their viewers and viewership, and whether there is a problem with the lack of financial resources at local television stations and what the impact of this is.

I also find out what other shortcomings local TV stations face, whether they face competition, how much time local TV stations spend working on their own website, why they have one, whether they promote themselves and whether they offer any other services.

I also explain what content they prioritise, how much time they spend filming, editing and editing their own news content.

I also find out how strict local broadcasters are in planning the content of their programmes and whether they have clear objectives before the actual production of the stories.

I explain how important trends, technology and technological change are for local television and the importance of motivation and its impact on staff. With regard to supervision, I identify who exercises control over the content of the work.

Based on the analysis of the results in the thesis, I also make sensible suggestions for improvements that would serve as solutions and recommend them to the local broadcasters themselves.

Thesis paper Adrijana Petrovič


Thesis paper Adrijana Petrovič

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