Avtomatizacija poslovnih procesov z uporabo RPA

Software Computing

Študent: Jasmin Sedić

Jasmin Sedić is a graduate of the Computer Science - Software Engineering module study program at Academia, College of Short-Cycle Higher Education. He successfully defended his thesis paper in July 2024.


Diploma paper Jasmin Sedić

In the modern business environment, companies are constantly faced with the pressures of technological progress. Technological progress increases the need for greater efficiency, cost reduction, and improved competitiveness. Many different tools on the market can help companies respond efficiently to these challenges.

One such tool is Robotic Process Automation (RPA), which enables the automation of routine repetitive tasks typically performed by employees. This technology brings numerous benefits such as increased productivity, cost reduction, and improved accuracy.

In the first part, the thesis is focused on exploring the concepts, history, and development of RPA, its benefits, challenges, and use cases in different industries.

The research then shifts to evaluating the effectiveness and potential of RPA to reduce costs and improve productivity in business processes. The analysis has shown that RPA enables better process efficiency by increasing the speed and accuracy of task execution while reducing the possibility of human error.

The theoretical part of the thesis concludes with research on the connections between RPA and big data technologies.

In the practical part of the thesis, a robotic automation of a specific process in the insurance industry is presented, and developed in the Python programming language. This automation has been successfully integrated with the company’s existing IT systems.

The practical implementation of this system demonstrated how the automation accelerated the execution of the process and at the same time reduced the workload of the employees, which contributed to a more efficient working environment.

The conclusion of the thesis consists of two parts. The first part presents recommendations for companies that wish to implement RPA in their business environment. The recommendations are based on the analysis of collected data and case studies that demonstrate the successful implementation of RPA in various industries, from financial services to healthcare.

Based on the research, the implemented RPA solution, and its positive results, the thesis concludes by confirming all the hypotheses set out in the disposition.


Diploma paper Jasmin Sedić


Diploma paper Jasmin Sedić

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