Analysis of a war documentary: production & production and use of audio-visual material, techniques

Video Production

Študent: Ian Nino Jerlah

Ian Nino Jerlah is a graduate of the Media Production programme at Academia, College of Short-Cycle Higher Education. He successfully defended his thesis paper in November 2024.


Diploma paper Ian Nino Jerlah

War documentaries are a unique film form that brings together historically significant conflicts that have shaped the world as we know it today. By combining historical reality and the art of filmography, they bring the events of the past to life and bring them closer to us.

This genre of film interweaves survivor/ survivor testimonies, expert testimonies, archival footage, reconstructions of events and other audio-visual techniques, often coordinated by the narrator. Their aim is both to present historical facts and to stimulate the viewer to a deeper understanding of war conflicts and their impact on society, on the world.

In the context of this thesis, I will focus on the elements that make up quality war documentaries. In my research I will cover general knowledge, but also dive deeper into the specifics and the process of their creation.

I will focus most closely on documentaries whose subject matter is 20th century war conflicts, but of course I will examine others as well.

Making a war documentary is a challenge in particular, as it requires a balance between presenting historical truth and creating a narrative that engages the viewer and presents the facts in an interesting and realistic way. This can be very well achieved by using archived material, as it brings authenticity to the documentary. However, such material needs to be carefully processed and brought into the film.

Audio-visual techniques, such as stylisation of the footage, color correction, the filming itself, the soundtrack, editing, are also important in the design of the product. They can be manipulated and emphasise thematically important elements. I will examine how they influence the message and overall aesthetics of the documentary.

My research will thereby identify which production and creative processes are key to creating compelling and credible war documentaries. At the same time, I will pay attention to the reconstruction of events, in a situation without visual material.

Therefore, this thesis aims to investigate how war documentaries are made, to process them and to present the findings from both an objective and a subjective point of view.

You can view the student’s final work at the link below:

Diploma paper Ian Nino Jerlah


Diploma paper Ian Nino Jerlah

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