Successful Academia Career Cocktail: a Taste of Career Opportunities

On 21 May 2024, between 14:00 and 15:30, Academia’s online Career Cocktail took place, bringing together students who wanted to gain valuable information about career opportunities in Slovenia and abroad. The event was organised to offer students the opportunity to network with successful professionals from different industries and gain insight into current trends in the labour market.

Presentations by Slovenian companies

We invited representatives from Povio, Kadring and Impol, RE/MAX Slovenia, VARIS Lendava and Talum to present their work environment, company cultures and career opportunities within their teams. Students could ask questions and gain insight into current job opportunities.

Career opportunities abroad

After the presentations by Slovenian companies, we focused on career opportunities abroad. Students were offered a wide range of opportunities to continue their studies and gain international experience.

  • Continuing your studies at Prague City University: Alexa Kroonblawd, Admissions and International Cooperation Specialist presented important information about enrolling and studying at this prestigious university.
  • Erasmus+ Mobility Programme: Nina Gaube, Head of Projects and Programmes at the Academia, presented the benefits and procedures for joining the Erasmus+ programme, which provides valuable experience in an international environment. Students were given useful tips and strategies for successfully finding study opportunities at foreign universities.

The Academia Career Cocktail offered students a wealth of useful information and opportunities to network with potential employers and academic institutions.

Thank you to everyone who attended and co-created the event!

We look forward to the next opportunities to meet and collaborate. Stay tuned for our future events and join the community where we taste career opportunities.


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