Media production students – audio production module on professional excursion of Toti Radio

Audio Production

Students of Media Production – Audio Production module visited Toti Radio in Maribor on Friday, 26 April 2024 as part of a professional excursion within the course Project Work in Audio Production.

During the tour of the radio house, students were given an insight into various aspects of radio production, including equipment management, content production, editorial, technical procedures, and post-production. Under the guidance of professional staff and radio studio staff, students can also learn about the processes of creating and producing radio programs, including management, editing, sound processing, and the use of software.

At the same time, the excursion gives students direct contact with the actual working environment in the radio industry, which can help them to better understand the expectations and demands of the radio world. They can thus learn about current trends and challenges in the radio industry and gain valuable advice and experience from experienced professionals.

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