Guest lecture by Dušan Andrejič, Managing Director and Head of Consultants at Processi d.o.o.

Cyber security

Network Computing

Within the Communication Technologies and Services course of the Network computing module, we hosted Mr. Dušan Andrejič, Managing Director and Head of Consultants at Processi. PROCESSI is a leading specialized consulting company with 20 years of experience in various industries in setting up processes and implementing SAP solutions in Slovenia and abroad.

Before the lecture started, the lecturer invited students to ask any questions they might have regarding the security of digital systems and online identity. After the questions were answered, a presentation of the company Processi and a description of Mr. Andrejič’s tasks in this company followed.

The lecture continued with a presentation of the different security aspects in cloud computing, identity management, and access controls related to security, followed by a description and an example of auditing and compliance in the field of security in the digital environment at the end of the lecture.

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