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We help you with the search for qualified staff for a better business performance of you company or organisation.


Search and employment of talent

At Academia, College of Short-Cycle Higher Education, we offer, free of charge, to employers:

  • presentation of the company on guest lectures an excursion to your company or organisation,
  • informing our students and graduates of Academia, College of Short-Cycle Higher Education, about career chances at you company or organisation,
  • collection of applications and graduates of Academia, College of Short-Cycle Higher Education,
  • selection and examination of applied students and graduates of Academia, College of Short-Cycle Higher Education, as per your requests.

Enable a company scholarship for students

  • The purpose of company scholarships is creating connections between students and potential employers, who, in turn, ensure themselves with obtaining new perspective staff. Companies that offer company scholarships, can be co-financed by the state (through funds or regional development agencies).
  • Company scholarships are in average the highest between all types of scholarships. One advantage is that they offer is the immediate first employment after graduation.
  • The company scholarship is not allowed to be lower than the state scholarship.
  • With the scholarship contract the scholarship recipient and provider decide on the rights and obligations of the company scholarship. The employer may agree on other obligations with the recipient, such as work over the summer holidays, the diploma thesis that is bound to the company, or other similar details.
  • In the 106th Article of the Slovenian Law on Personal Income Tax (ZDoh-2) it is stated that the income from company or other scholarships, payed out monthly to a person that is enrolled into an educational programme as a full time student does not add to the taxable amount:
    • for a study programme in Slovenia, up to the amount of the minimum wage,
    • for a study programme abrad, up to the amount of the minimum wage of Slovenia, increased by 60 %.

Co-financing the company scholarship of employers

In case the employer only applies for the need for company scholarship recipients and doesn’t apply for co-financing, they are not obligated to employ the recipient, except if the scholarship contract states otherwise.

Research and Development Agencies in twelve statistical regions of Slovenia annually publish a selection of projects for co-financing company scholarships with employers:

Omejitev vpisa je odvisna od interesa kandidatov za študij v posameznem letu. V preteklosti so že bile omejitve vpisa zato priporočamo čim hitrejšo rezervacijo vpisnega mesta s prijavo in vpisom.

Na Academii izvajamo ti. izredni študij, ki je po izvedbi študijskega procesa prilagojen zaposlenim. Študij je po pridobljenih znanjih in kompetencah enakovreden rednemu študiju.

Da. V kolikor niste zaposleni ali prijavljeni na Zavodu RS Slovenije kot aktivni iskalec zaposlitve lahko koristite pravice iz statusa študenta, kot so študentsko delo, subvencionirana prehrana, štipendije, bivanje, subvencioniran prevoz, zdravstveno zavarovanje in drugo. Določene pravice so omejene s starostjo študenta.

Da. Študijski proces je prilagojen zaposlenim za polni delovni čas in mladim, ki si ob študiju želijo priložnostnega dela.

Da. Po vpisu na Višjo strokovno šolo Academia Maribor lahko oddate vlogo za pridobitev statusa športnika. Na podlagi Vaše ravni športnega udejstvovanja Vam izdelamo osebni izobraževalni načrt.