Virtual mobility at the leading Jordanian university the Jordan University of Science and Technology

During the 31st of May and 4th of June 2021 a representative of Academia, College of Short-Cycle Higher Education, was on a virtual mobility at the leading Jordanian university, the Jordan University of Science and Technology. The university has been a regular partner of Academia. JUST is the leading university in Jordan, according to the Times Higher Education, it is one of the 500 best universities in the world.

Due to the current epidemiological conditions, the mobility was carried out virtually via video conference.

The following activities were carried out during the virtual mobility:

  • a Virtual tour of the JUST campus in Irbid, Jordan,
  • an up-to-date review and evaluation of the cooperation between Academia and JUST,
  • planning of activities for the new Erasmus+ programming period 2021-2027,
    • Capacity Building projects,
    • Centres of Vocational Excellence projects,
    • Student and staff mobilities under call KA107,
  • overview and comparison of the education systems in Jordan and Slovenia,
  • the transition to digital and online education in terms of student well-being, digital infrastructure and accessibility challenges,
  • training in the use of virtual and augmented reality in education,
  • evaluating and learning about good practices in the use of technology in education,
  • getting to know the management and professional services of JUST.

In the new academic year, we are already planning to re-establish physical mobility and to apply jointly for development projects..

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