Student Umar at the end of his Erasmus+ exchange in Slovenia

Media production

Peerbux Umar Mohammad Narweez is a Web and Multimedia Development student at the University of Mauritius, Mauritius. Since the 4th of March 2024, he has been attending VSŠ Academia as an exchange student.

Student Umar told us from the start that he was both excited and nervous before the Erasmus trip, as it was his first time traveling outside the country and by plane. He did not know then that his stay in Maribor would be much better than he had imagined. On arrival in the country, he immediately noticed a change in the weather; the cold weather was very different from the warm climate in Mauritius, but he admitted that he surprisingly liked the change.

“The friendly hosts made me feel immediately welcome. I quickly made friends in the dorm who showed me around, introduced me to the city’s nightlife and shared delicious food. They helped me with everything I needed, from getting a Slovenian SIM card to trying new food.”

Life in Maribor was easy thanks to the supportive community that surrounded Umar. He was captivated by the beauty of Maribor, especially the beautiful buildings and quiet streets, and after just a few weeks, Maribor felt like another home.

As he told us, when he was welcomed at Academia Umar, his worries vanished, replaced by enthusiasm and motivation to work. Umar worked on projects in web and graphic design and video production, areas that suited his interests. He was also a great help during the International Academia Week 2024 by taking photographs and attending speeches. The whole experience was rich, full of cultural exchanges, new friendships, and professional growth.

“I am grateful for the friendships I have made and the experiences I have had. The four months at the Academia have been unforgettable. I visited nearby places like Graz and explored Slovenia, enjoying the quiet streets and friendly people. Dorm life was fun and I loved the healthy Slovenian food.”


It was a sad departure from Maribor. I promised myself that one day I would return to see my friends again and relive those wonderful moments. If I had another chance to return, I would not hesitate to take it. My time in Slovenia has been an incredible journey I will always remember.

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