International Summer Business School in Rijeka enriches Academia students with intercultural connections and new knowledge

In June 2024, eight participants from Academie’s Media Production and Economics programs had the opportunity to take part in the 7-day summer business school “EFRI International Business School” in Rijeka. Alongside Slovenian students, participants from higher education institutions in Greece, Finland, Croatia, Cyprus, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, and Russia also attended.

The program, in its eighth consecutive year and for the first time under the Erasmus+ KIP framework, provided participants with Erasmus+ scholarships covering a significant portion of mobility costs including accommodation, transport, and meals. The curriculum included lectures by domestic and international lecturers, student workshops, company visits, and cultural activities. Students also visited the prestigious Hilton Rijeka Costabella Beach Resort & Spa, and engaged in virtual educational activities.

Lara Čvan, Academia Media Production student, described her experience: “The presentation at Hilton Hotel was wonderful. I currently work in one of the big hotel chains and have always been interested in how Hilton operates, a modern hotel with divine views where employees seem very happy to work there.”

Ognjen Vučković, a participant who is Academia Economics program student, shared his first impression of Erasmus+: “I had never had the opportunity to participate in the Erasmus+ program before. When I saw the announcement, I immediately applied because I had heard stories from friends who were always satisfied with their mobility experiences.” 

Olga Zhukova expressed her enthusiasm for the program’s organization: “Everything was well organized and clear. The accommodation in the student dormitory was excellent. All program organizers were very responsive and friendly. Excellent teachers, interesting lectures. In short – an experience that I recommend to everyone.”

The International Summer Business School in Rijeka comprised of four main modules:

  1. Business Negotiation: Participants learned various techniques and strategies for successful business negotiations.
  2. Communication in Business Environment: Ivan Vujičić from Duran company led a workshop on communication styles in business negotiations.
  3. International Business: The visit to Hilton Rijeka Costabella Beach Resort & Spa was the highlight of the program, where participants saw how theory translates into practice in the international business world.
  4. Presentations and Tasks: Student assignments were a key part of the program, where teams developed and presented their business or negotiation ideas..

In addition to the formal program, participants took advantage of opportunities for informal socializing and networking. “Every day we actively socialized, went for drinks, to beaches, and restaurants,” described Ognjen Vučković.

Živa Ornik, also a Media Production student at Academia, highlighted the multidisciplinary advantage of such Erasmus+ programs: “This exchange gave me the opportunity to broaden my horizons and gain insight into the world of entrepreneurship.” She acquired knowledge not necessarily covered in her study curriculum. Ornik summarized her satisfaction with the exchange: “Mobility in Rijeka is one of the most unforgettable experiences during my studies. During this time, I met many interesting people, learned their language, and experienced the cultures of countries such as Cyprus and Finland.”

Nina Savnik shared a similar sentiment: “The experience in Rijeka allowed me to develop both personally and professionally. I met many new friends from different countries with whom I will stay in touch. This exchange gave me the opportunity to broaden my horizons and gain insight into the world of entrepreneurship.”

Dino Mahmutagić concluded: “This week was full of new knowledge and invaluable experiences. I will use the knowledge gained in the future.” Similarly, Gaj Gorza stated: “The week in Rijeka was unforgettable. I will use the knowledge and experiences gained in the future. Mobility was an exceptional experience that I highly recommend to everyone – it brings invaluable experiences and opportunities for personal growth.”

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