Graphic design student Melani on practical training in Montenegro

Graphic Design

Melani Kumin, a 2nd-year student of the Media Production – Graphic Design module, traveled to Montenegro as part of the Erasmus+ programme, where she completed a two-month practical training at the photography studio of the Faculty of Fine Arts Cetinje (FLU Cetinje).


Melani traveled to Cetinje at the end of April, where she started her practical training in the photography studio at FLU Cetinje and at the same time started preparing for the FLUID Design Forum, where she played the role of assistant in the organization of the Forum and was also part of the FLUID design team.

In the photography studio of the faculty, Anna and I helped students who needed a studio for their projects. We prepared and arranged the space, helped and advised the students on their photography and set up the ideal lighting, and occasionally used the studio for our own work.



Melani designed the FLUID publications, posters, flyers and various other materials for FLUID during FLUID Workshop #10, which took place from the 24th to the 27th.She also helped with the preparation of the spaces, exhibitions and promotion. She also participated in one of several workshops on typography, the main theme of this year’s FLUID Forum:

In the typography workshop, we walked around Cetinje looking for Cyrillic typography. Each person had to choose one typography they found, modify it and add it to their own typography.



In addition to the workshops, lectures are held every day. The lecturers were successful designers, so the lectures were very informative and the students had the opportunity for individual lessons. After the FLUID Forum, Melani continued to help out in the photo studio and was also given freelance projects; one of the projects was called Mind mapping, where Melani created Cetinje Adventure Story Hunt – a story hunt and a search for hidden spots around the city using a map of the city. With the help of clues added to the map, the winner was also awarded a prize at the end.



The second project Melani was part of was the animation of a short story to be broadcast on the Montenegro national TV in September, and at the end of the practical training she took part in a competition to develop a logo for the I WILL (Inspiring Omen’s Initiative – taking for Lasting Leadership) project.


My practical training in Cetinje lasted only two months, but with all the experience I gained and all the new friends I made, it seems like much longer. I would recommend the Erasmus+ traineeship experience to everyone, especially future designers, as it gives them work experience in a new environment and allows them to get to know and participate in forums such as FLUID.


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