Graphic design student Karin Žlebir on Erasmus+ exchange in Prague

Graphic Design

Karin Žlebir, a student of the Media Production – Graphic Design module, went on an Erasmus+ exchange to Prague, Czech Republic.

Karin says she has always dreamed of an exchange abroad. When the opportunity to spend a year in Prague presented itself, she was met with a mixture of excitement and fear. Stepping into the unknown, leaving her home environment and embarking on a new adventure was an important step for her. After the exchange, Karin said that her decision to stay in Prague was one of the best of her life.


“When I arrived, I was completely enchanted by Prague. The city, with its historic Old Town, cobbled streets and magnificent castles, was like a fairy-tale landscape. The first time I stepped on Charles Bridge, I felt a wave of excitement and joy, the start of an unforgettable year.”

For Karin, the working environment in Prague was completely different from home. The work was dynamic and her mentors encouraged her to think outside the box. She found a rich cultural environment in the international community of interns, which enriched her further. During the exchange she made valuable friendships, which she described as one of the greatest treasures of the period. Her new friends became her second family, with whom she shared many unforgettable moments – from night walks through the illuminated streets of Prague to weekend trips to neighbouring cities and other countries.

The exchange taught Karin a lot about herself. She has become more independent, open, flexible and confident. Living abroad presented her with many challenges, one of the first of which was the language barrier. Although many people thought that Czech was similar to Slovenian, Karin found it difficult to communicate at first, but over time she became more and more confident. Although she did not master Czech completely, she learned enough to be able to go about her daily life without too many problems.



“Prague is a city that cannot be fully explored in a few days or even months. Every corner of this city holds something special. Weekends were reserved for me to explore hidden cafés, art galleries and city parks. I was particularly impressed by Letna, where I enjoyed views of the whole city, and the gardens under the castle, where I found a real harmony between city life and nature.”

One of the great advantages of living in Prague was its geographical location, which gave easy access to other European cities. She often planned weekend trips with friends to cities such as Vienna, Budapest, Munich and Krakow. These trips further strengthened their friendships and created memories that they will carry with them throughout their lives.

Karin also enjoyed the city’s rich cultural offer while in Prague. She attended opera performances at the National Theatre, art exhibitions in galleries and numerous concerts. One of the highlights of her stay was a visit to the Christmas market in the Old Town Square, where she felt the real festive atmosphere and enjoyed local delicacies.



Although she missed home-cooked food, she also got to know Czech cuisine. Traditional dishes such as svíčková, beef goulash and dumplings fascinated her, even though she could not compare them with Slovenian dishes. One of her favourite events was visiting the farmers’ market in Naplavka, where she enjoyed fresh food, handicrafts and live music.

Karin had so many unforgettable moments during the exchange that it would be difficult to highlight just one. This period brought her precious memories, laughter, tears, warm hugs and experiences that she will carry with her for the rest of her life. A year in Prague taught her the value of stepping outside her comfort zone and developing as a person. Although she was looking forward to returning home, she knew that a piece of her heart would always remain in Prague. The city, with its rich history, culture and friendly people, had become her second home.

“The exchange in Prague was an invaluable experience that will always be a part of me.

Thank you to everyone who made my year even better than I could have imagined!”


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