Entries by Academia Maribor

Building and optimizing a website in the WordPress framework

In this thesis, we will explore what exactly the WordPress framework is and present its advantages and disadvantages. We will analyze the requirements for the preparation of a diploma thesis and the creation of a website in the WordPress framework and set specific goals and target groups of the final product. We will learn how […]

Straw House

In this thesis we presented a house made of straw. We presented the purpose, objectives, basic statements and assumptions. We also described the research methods used. In the following chapters, we defined what straw is and then described its properties and explained what other uses there are. We introduced how straw or straw bales were […]

Tinkara’s Erasmus+ practical adventure in Ireland

Impressed by the experience of completing the first year of the Media Production programme, I decided to do 200 hours of practical work abroad and take advantage of the Erasmus+ programme. The epidemic made the whole process of finding a company abroad difficult. My first choice was Germany, where I had already done an internship […]

INTEGRA, Erasmus+ project – Second coordinators meeting in Kupiškis, Lithuania

The project INTEGRA, co-funded by the European Union, implemented recently its second coordinator’s meeting in the Lithuanian city of Kupiškis. Projektna skupina se je v želji po hitri odpravi odstopanj od prvotnega časovnega načrta projekta dogovorila o organizaciji načrtovalnega obiska, na katerem bo potekala druga dejavnost učenja, poučevanja in usposabljanja v okviru financiranega projekta: Litva. […]

Accounting for consumer loans

My assignment “Accounting for consumer loans” was created to explore the possibilities of allocating consumer credit in the LLC. The reason for choosing the topic is mainly based on personal interests. It is based on the fact that I am employed in a company that, among other things, provides loans to entrepreneurs, but would like […]

Effects of intervention measures on payroll calculations in private sector in 2020

With the declaration of outbreak SARS-Cov-2 (COVID-19) disease on 12 March 2020, many employers found themselves in an unprecedented situation and were no longer allowed to carry out their activities. How the country will help was very vague at the beginning, as the government itself was facing a new situation. Work in the accounting service […]

The Effect of Sales Assistance on Purchase Decisions

Sales is a complicated process. Several factors may affect sales performance, we will focus on the effect of sales assistance. Diploma thesis consists of theoretical and empirical part. In the theoretical part, we will outline the basic characteristics of sales assistance and highlight those that distinguish the most successful ones. We will briefly describe sales […]

Optimization of the procurement process by implementation of SAP Ariba at company X

Procurement is becoming increasingly important in companies, because with good organization it is possible to significantly reduce costs and expenses. Any savings in procurement is a direct gain to the company’s profit and easier to measure than savings gained in other functions of the company. Achieving savings in other departments requires more effort and is […]

The Launch of the FELUWA Double Hose Diaphragm Pump

At Silkem, the zeolite was pumped to the tower dryer with a screw pump. Because the pump operates almost every day of the year and due to the material that the screw pump pumps, the stator and rotor of the screw pump wear out quickly, which causes high maintenance costs on an annual basis. So […]

Promotion of the University Library Maribor

The purpose of this thesis is to determine the current state of promotional activities of the University Library of Maribor and draw attention to new trends in librarianship and new trends in the world that require changes in current operations, both in presentation and promotion and attitudes of higher education libraries to their users. In […]