Entries by Academia Maribor

Guest lecture by Jasna Mak, Project Manager of the Regional Development Agency for Podravje (RRA) on SPOT counselling

Within the Economics course of the Economist – Accounting & Finance module, Economist – Commerce module and Economist – Digital Marketing module, we hosted Ms. Jasna Mak, consultant, clerk and project manager from the Regional Development Agency for Podravje (RRA Podravje). The main topics of the guest lecture were business registration, information for entrepreneurship and […]

Graphic design student Melani Kumin on Erasmus+ exchange in Split, Croatia

Melani Kumin, a student of the Media Production – Graphic Design module, went on an Erasmus+ exchange to the Art Academy Split (UMAS) in Croatia.   Melani arrived in Split at the beginning of October, where she met with her mentor to create a work plan for the duration of the exchange in Croatia. Every […]

Staff mobility at Academia VSŠ: Assistant in International Relations David Abraham Alas from El Salvador Technological University

At VSŠ Academia we hosted Mr. David Abraham Alas, Assistant Professor in the International Relations Department at the Technological University of El Salvador, where he supports student mobility and exchange programs such as Erasmus+ and K107, Emerging Leaders in the Americas, Amity, and UGRAD; he is also involved in capacity-building projects in the field of […]

Electric vehicles and their impact on the economy

The basic hypothesis of the thesis is that electric cars contribute more to the recovery of the economy than cars powered by propellant fuels, I established this and presented it with a SWOT analysis.In my project, I presented my opinion on electric cars and their future. I found out whether the European Union is ready […]

Študentje Medijske produkcije in študentje Informatike obiskali Inštitut informacijske znanosti (IZUM) ter spoznali superračunalnik VEGA

V četrtek, 23. februarja so študentje Medijske produkcije v sklopu predmeta Medijska umetnost in vizualna komunikacija in študentje Informatike pri predmetu Razvoj programskih aplikacij (programsko inženirstvo) in Računalniške komunikacije in omrežja 2 (sistemsko inženirstvo) obiskali mariborski IZUM. Ogled IZUMA ter predstavitev superračunalnika VEGA je vodil g. Dejan Valh.   Institut informacijskih znanosti (IZUM)je javni zavod, ki […]

Dig4Life closing meeting and conference in Lithuania

At the beginning of February 2023, two colleagues from the Academia, College of Short-Cycle Higher education project office participated in the Erasmus+ partners’ meeting of the DIG4LIFE project, which focuses on the evaluation of teachers’ and students’ digital competencies through playing a computer game developed for this purpose.   The first part of the meeting, which […]