Entries by Academia Maribor

Conclusion of the Erasmus+ Project eVETbikes – Learning About E-Bikes for a Greener Future

As 2024 draws to a close, so does the Erasmus+ project eVETbikes, which has been running under the leadership of Hacettepe University (Turkey) since December 2022. The project has served as a vital educational initiative in the e-bike sector in a modern world increasingly focused on sustainability and environmental solutions. The seven project partners, including […]

Television genres through the prism of presenting different programs (talk, interview, news)

  This undergraduate thesis offers a detailed and methodical analysis of various television formats, focusing on three key categories: talk shows, news programs, and interviews. Subsequent sections comprehensively examine each category’s defining features alongside relevant thematic considerations. The first category examined is talk shows. They are analysed based on their structural and format characteristics and […]

Graphic design student Taina Cvetko on Erasmus+ exchange in Barcelona

Taina Cvetko, a Media Production – Graphic Design module student, went on an Erasmus+ exchange to Barcelona, Spain. Her practical training tasks include writing articles and preparing fresh advertising designs. Taina moved to Barcelona at the beginning of October 2024 as part of an Erasmus+ exchange to start her practical training and explore this beautiful but […]

Production of door thresholds at Internorm – Fenster GmbH

In my diploma thesis entitled Production of Door Thresholds at Internorm – Fenster GmbH, I examined the production process of door thresholds and focused on the optimisation of production technology at Internorm. As a leading European manufacturer of windows and doors, Internorm faces the constant challenge of improving its products in order to fulfil the […]

Conversion of a Shipping Container into a Vacation Unit

The thesis addresses the topic of container construction, with its primary aim being to showcase the potential of such construction methods and promote their broader application. The goal of the thesis was the actual conversion of a shipping container into a vacation unit. The theoretical part of the thesis consists of a review of container […]

The thin line between society and the public sector

The thesis deals with the relationship between non-governmental organizations and the public sector. It focuses on the role of associations in society, their functions and cooperation with state authorities. The assignment investigates how associations complement the functioning of public institutions and where there are boundaries and differences between their functioning, especially in areas where public […]