Free Virtual Open Days – Study in Slovenia

Dragi budući student,

Ljubazno vas pozivamo na virtuelni dan otvorenih vrata Academia, gde ćemo predstaviti naše studijske programe

Na informativnom danu, osoblje Više stručne škole Academia Maribor će Vam predstaviti:

  • karakteristike studijskih programa Academia,
  • uslovi upisa za kandidate iz Balkana,
  • smerove studija na Academii,
  • mogućnosti zapošljavanja i napredovanja nakon završenih studija,
  • opcije finansiranja studija i stipendije,

15. decembar u 17. časova na Zoom

Prijava na besplatni Virtual open Day

Studijski programi

Dear prospective student,

We kindly invite you to the virtual open day of Academia, where we will present our study programs

On the information day, the staff of the College of Short-Cycle Higher Education Academia Maribor will present to you:

  • characteristics of Academia study programs,
  • enrollment conditions for candidates from the Balkans,
  • courses of study at the Academia,
  • opportunities for employment and advancement after completing studies,
  • study financing options and scholarships,

December 15 at 5 p.m. on Zoom

Register for Free Virtual Open Day

Želite biti obveščeni o novicah na Academii?

Ko bo kaj novega vam to enostavno sporočimo na vaš e-naslov.