Brezplačni tečaj oblikovanja fotografij v Photoshop za dijake in študente


Zaradi velika povpraševanje po Zimski šoli za dijake (več tukaj), dodatno razpisujemo Brezplačni tečaj oblikovanja fotografij v Photoshopu. Prostih je manj kot 10 mest!

Tečaj bo potekal v 6 vodenih srečanjih v angleškem jeziku.


1st Session – 28.1.2020 13.00 do 16.00
Introduction to the software: workspace, layers, basic adjustments; Workspace; Layers; Groups; Opacity / fill ; Masks

2nd Session – 30.1.2020 13.00 do 16.00
Selection methods; Pen tool; Lasso tool; Quick selection / Magic wand; Refining edge; Channels

3rd Session – 4.2.2020 13.00 do 16.00
Adobe Camera Raw plug-in; Everything about it (Almost the same as Lightroom so if you took Lr workshops you should know this by now)

4th Session – 6.2.2020 13.00 do 16.00
Tools; Adjustments; Color adjustments; Different methods for sharpening an image; Different tools for removing objects from the photo; Blending modes

5th Session – 11.2.2020 13.00 do 16.00
Retouching / correcting; Stamp tool; Healing brush; Patch tool; Content-aware fill; Dodge and burn; Liquify filter

6th Session – 13.2.2020 13.00 do 16.00
Filters; Advanced masks; Smart objects; Advanced layers


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