Brezplačna usposabljanja Bain CX izkušnje kupca za študente in diplomante Academie

Višja strokovna šola Academia Maribor v sodelovanju z vodilnim mednarodnim svetovalnim podjetjem Bain & Company študentom in diplomantom Academie omogoča brezplačna usposabljanja s področja izkušnje kupca (CX – Customer Experience) za pridobitev certifikata Bain certificiran CX strokovnjak izkušnje kupca.

Customer experience (CX) – celostna izkušnja kupca predstavlja odnos med kupcem in podjetjem oziroma organizacijo tekom njune celotne interakcije.

Študentom in diplomantom Academie je omogočen brezplačen dostop do on-demand spletnih tečajev, kar jim omogoča personalizirano izobraževanje kadarkoli in kjerkoli.

  • Obseg: 30 dni / 1-3 ure po poglavju
  • Spletna mikroučna vsebina, ki omogoča
  • Privlačni, praktični in poglobljni tečaji in uporabniška izkušnja
  • Vsebuje preplet videoposnetkov, literature, preverjanja znanja, študij primerov in interaktivnih vaj
  • Spletna srečanja v živo v okviru spletne skupnosti
  • Z opravljenimi 7 poglavji in zaključnim preverjanjem postanete Bain certiciriran CX strokovnjak


Poglavje 1: CX and NPS Fundamentals – Winning on Purpose

  • Deliver on the company value of customer obsession

  • Define elements of a customer-centric company and culture

  • Explore team behaviours to support positive change

Poglavje 2: Customer Insights and Analytics

  • Source, build, and analyze customer data sets to draw meaningful conclusions

  • Identify key pain points and use analytical frameworks

  • Enrich customer data with business data

Poglavje 3: Earned Growth and Customer Economics

  • Communicate the true economic value of your customers and unlock the earned growth potential

  • Translate customer data into bottom line financial impact

  • Create a compelling and precise business case for improving the customer experience

Poglavje 4: Customer Strategy

  • Source, build, and analyze customer data sets to draw meaningful conclusions

  • Identify key pain points and use analytical frameworks

  • Enrich customer data with business data

Poglavje 5: Customer Experience Design

  • Identify customer needs and embed user and customer empathy into the design process

  • Develop “North Star” future experiences linked to strategy

  • Test and pilot customer experience designs

  • Apply best practices and tried and tested approaches of design thinking to the product, journey, and experience redesign processes.

Poglavje 6: CX Build and Execution

  • Identify build considerations for CX design

  • Scale CX solutions effectively

  • Organize cross-functional teams

  • Transition from “change” to “business-as-usual” CX management

Poglavje 7: Customer Journey Management

  • Build experience and journey management at scale

  • Organize the operating model and rhythm effectively

  • Work across organizational silos and run customer operations


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